Please arrive on time and prepared for your scheduled appt.
It is preferred that players attend photos during their scheduled team time slot, but MVP can photgraph players outside of their team time slot if necessary. If this occurs, please let the photographer know to change the team card to ensure your child's photo is added to the correct team.
Date: Sunday, October 20, 2024
Time: See team schedules below
Location: Four Winds Public School
9:15am U7 Langford
9:30am U7 Huculak
9:45am U9 Donato
10:00am U9 Sherwood
10:15am U11 Keller
10:30am U11 Croft
10:45am U11 Hashey
11:00am U11 Perrett
11:15am U11 McCann
11:30am U13G Wright
11:45am U13B Kwak
12:00pm U13B Perrett
12:15pm U15G Hansen
12:30pm U15G Rosendahl
1:15pm U15B Keller
1:30pm U15B Weston
1:45pm U18G Groot
2:00pm U18G Diberardino
2:15pm U18B Harris
2:30pm U18B Karch
2:45pm U18B Grams